Monday, December 9, 2019
1:50 pm
Opening remarks
2:00 pm
Update on US Federal and State Regulations on Cannabis Plants, CBD Oil and By-products, Mr. Frederick A. Stearns, Keller & Heckman, U.S.A.
2:30 pm
Canadian and European Regulations on Cannabis and its Products Including Edibles, Mrs Ronie Schmelz, Tucker Ellis, U.S.A.
3:00 am
Coffee/Tea Break and networking
3:30 pm
Review of Cannabis Plant Processing, Mr. Lejen Lotspeich, Carbon Chemistry, U.S.A.
4:00 pm
Biomass Drying and Expeller Press Processing, Mr. Eric Stibora, Anderson International Corp, U.S.A.
4:30 pm
Preparation, Pelletization & Granulation of Hemp, Mr.Gregg Haider, CPM Crown Iron Works, U.S.A.
5:00 pm
End of Day 1
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
8:30 am
Fundamentals of Solvent Extraction: From Commodity to Specialty Applications, Dr. Adolfo Subieta, DeSmet Ballestra North America, U.S.A.
9:00 am
Use of Supercritical CO2 Extraction of CBD Oil, Dr. Jerry King, CFS Consulting , U.S.A.
9:30 am
Bleaching and Stabilizing of Cold Pressed Hemp Seed Oil, Mr. Jorge Bello, EP Engineered Clays, U.S.A.
10:00 am
Coffee/Tea Break and networking
10:30 am
Evaporation of Miscella from CBD Extractors, Mr. Gregg Haider, CPM Crown Iron Works,, U.S.A.
11:00 am
Aqueous Sub- and Super-Critical Water - A Green Technology Platform for Opportunities in the Cannabis Industry, Dr. Jerry King, CFS Consulting, U.S.A.
11:30 am
Processing Hemp: Critical Considerations, Mr. Tim Maneely, Knack Process Design, U.S.A.
12:00 n
Evaporation of Heat Sensitive Substances and Thin Film Evaporation of CBD Oil Extract, Mr. Hugh Palmer, InCon Process Systems, U.S.A.
12:30 n
Lunch Break and Networking
2:00 pm
Rapid Analysis of CBD/CBDa, THC/THCa in Cannabis Maturity, Process, Oil blends Using Infrared Spectroscopy, Dr. KangMing Ma, Eurofins, U.S.A.
2:30 pm
Major Engine of Growth In the Cannabis Industry: State of the Art Formulation Technology for Product Innovation and Expanded Applications, Dr. Andreas Papas, Antares Health Products, U.S.A.
3:00 pm
Developing Stable Cannabinoid Nanoemulsions for the Food & Beverage Industry, Mr. Derek Holthaus, TIC Gums, U.S.A.
3:30 pm
Coffee/Tea Break and networking
4:00 pm
CBD and Cannabis Product Development Taste Considerations, Mrs. Lindsay Mahon, FONA International., U.S.A..
4:30 pm
Nanoencapsulation, Opening up Opportunities for Dietary Supplement and Cosmetic Markets, Mr. Charlie Brain, 3i Solutions,, U.S.A..
5:00 pm
Overview of Separation and Purification of CBD and Processing Water Soluble Powders via Spray Drying, Ms. Debra Repko and Mr. Keenan Gong, BUCHI Corporation,, U.S.A..
5:30 pm
End of Program